

Večeras je srpasti Mjesec bio na okomitoj liniji s Venerom (koja je, kaže NASA, na maksimumu sjaja, dvadeset puta sjajnija od Siriusa — tako da može sjati kroz rijetke oblake i bacati blage sjene na tlu).

Više astronomske mudrosti o tome: Pretty Sky Alert.

Mjesec i Venera

Mjesec i Venera: WilWheaton.


Holub 2, krilata


We have
microscopic anatomy
of the whale

— William Carlos Williams

We have
a map of the universe
for microbes,
we have
a map of a microbe
for the universe.

We have
a Grand Master of chess
made of electronic circuits.

But above all
we have
the ability
to sort peas,
to cup water in our hands,
to seek
the right screw
under the sofa
for hours

gives us

Holub, Miroslav, and Ian Milner. 2006. Poems before & after: collected English translations. Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe.


Holub 1, mrtvojezična

Textbook of a dead language

This is a boy.
This is a girl.

The boy has a dog.
The girl has a cat.

What colour is the dog?
What colour is the cat?

The boy and the girl
are playing with a ball.

Where is the ball rolling?

Where is the boy buried?
Where is the girl buried?

and translate
into every silence and every language!

where you yourselves
are buried!

Holub, Miroslav, and Ian Milner. 2006. Poems before & after: collected English translations. Tarset, Northumberland: Bloodaxe.


We must learn to see more, to hear more, to feel more.

Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation (1964)

Recept za filologiju.


Banka rosnih podataka

Banka rosnih podataka krasan je naslov krasne pjesme Anke Žagar. Taj je naslov slabije preveden na engleski u prijevodu antologije Tonka Maroevića Uskličnici (Exclamations; naslov je preveden kao A Bank of Dewy Facts).

Prevodilac nije primijetio računalne aluzije.


Skromno smatram da bi bolje bilo: A Dewy Data Bank.

Rosa: ecstaticist.

Dinamički sjaj. Zidni mozaici u Eufrazijevoj bazilici u Poreču

Nova knjiga:
naslovnica knjige
Ann Terry and Henry Maguire, Dynamic Splendor. The Wall Mosaics in the Cathedral of Eufrasius at Porec. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2007. Pp. 416; ills. 301. ISBN 978-0-271-02873-6. $95.00.

Reviewed by Benjamin Anderson, Bryn Mawr College. (Da, da, BMCR ima blog!)

Ostale recenzije i bibliografski podaci o knjizi mogu se naći u obliku liste na WorldCat.

Primjerak knjige postoji i na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. NSK Zagreb knjigu nema.


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