Nikad robom
Eto, zahvaljujući Loli i neimarskoj kompaniji, naučio sam nešto o pošt. Edwardu Gibbonu: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (prvo izdanje 1776--88) ne završava onime što smo u školi učili kao "pad Rimskog Carstva"; dapače --- priča ondje tek počinje, i ide do Petrarke --- ma zapravo, kaže Wikipedia, do 1453 i dalje, sve do 1590 (knjiga koja nema jedan kraj!). Naravno da je onda ondje moj prijatelj Nikola Škrlec (u. 1799) mogao čitati ovakve stvari:
The unquestionable evidence of language attests the descent of the Bulgarians from the original stock of the Sclavonian, or more properly Slavonian, race; and the kindred bands of Servians, Bosnians, Rascians, Croatians, Walachians, &c., followed either the standard or the example of the leading tribe. From the Euxine to the Adriatic, in the state of captives, or subjects, or allies, or enemies, of the Greek empire, they overspread the land; and the national appellation of the slaves has been degraded by chance or malice from the signification of glory to that of servitude. Among these colonies, the Chrobatians, or Croats, who now attend the motions of an Austrian army, are the descendants of a mighty people, the conquerors and sovereigns of Dalmatia. The maritime cities, and of these the infant republic of Ragusa, implored the aid and instructions of the Byzantine court: they were advised by the magnanimous Basil to reserve a small acknowledgment of their fidelity to the Roman empire, and to appease, by an annual tribute, the wrath of these irresistible Barbarians. The kingdom of Crotia was shared by eleven Zoupans, or feudatory lords; and their united forces were numbered at sixty thousand horse and one hundred thousand foot. A long sea-coast, indented with capacious harbors, covered with a string of islands, and almost in sight of the Italian shores, disposed both the natives and strangers to the practice of navigation. The boats or brigantines of the Croats were constructed after the fashion of the old Liburnians: one hundred and eighty vessels may excite the idea of a respectable navy; but our seamen will smile at the allowance of ten, or twenty, or forty, men for each of these ships of war. They were gradually converted to the more honorable service of commerce; yet the Sclavonian pirates were still frequent and dangerous; and it was not before the close of the tenth century that the freedom and sovereignty of the Gulf were effectually vindicated by the Venetian republic. The ancestors of these Dalmatian kings were equally removed from the use and abuse of navigation: they dwelt in the White Croatia, in the inland regions of Silesia and Little Poland, thirty days' journey, according to the Greek computation, from the sea of darkness.
(Čini se dakle da, ma što bio, Gibbon nije slavenofob; ovo bi moglo fino stajati u turističkom vodiču --- praktički kao i da stoji!)
3 komentara:
:) Moram skruseno priznati da nisam stigla dalje od prvog sveska (imam ih sest, index mi fali), pa je netko morao to obaviti za mene... HVALA!
Kad nadjes vremena, mozes skinuti Gibbona s projekta Gutenberg (tih sest svezaka), slijepit ih skupa i koristiti tu kompjutersku verziju kao indeks (imas cak i oznake stranica); pod mottom, kak se tu veli, kontrol-f. G je uvijek tu za zdravu dozu antiklerikalizma, a i inace; neki od tih pra-povjesnicara nisu bili ograniceni, odbojni i uski kao nasi pra-povj. Neki su, konacno, znali dobro pisati (G, Mommsen).
Možd i nije slavenofob ... ali kako se usudi objavljivati sa svim tim brljotinama... Pa tip blage veze nema o hrvatskoj ... (pa ni slavenskoj)... (pa ni Bugarskoj) povijesti ... i sve je zbrljao u tipični Anglo-Saxon galimatias ... nije valjda da NJEGA ITKO ozbiljno shvaća
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