
Postskript uz kolumnu

Filolog u ribi, zvala se prošlotjedna kolumna. Riba je bila Venecija. Stavili su lijepu ilustraciju uz tekst.

Posve neočekivano, odjek završne ideje iz tog teksta našao sam u jednome članku o Linuxu i sličnim čudesima:

Endlessly frustrated by its difficulties and brutalities, try as I may I find it difficult to imagine living elsewhere. What keeps me in New York is neither the high culture of museums and concert halls nor the unrivaled opportunities for working, eating, and spending that New Yorkers revel in. Rather it is a sensibility that is distinctly working-class — generous; open-minded but skeptical; idealistic but deflating of pretension; bursting with energy and a commitment to doing.

That sensibility is also generative. Note that Joshua Freeman locates his city's generativity neither in physical plant nor within cliché'd architectural and cultural frames, but at the base level of a culture: the working people who get stuff done. Sound familiar? Welcome to the new software business.

It is wrong to assume, as we have been doing throughout history, that those primarily responsible for the foundations of civilization are its leading figures and institutions. While those leaders are certainly involved, full respect must be given to the invention, as well as the hard work, done by the uncredited many.

Doc Searls, "Understanding Infrastructure", Linux Journal, April 19th, 2008.

1 komentar:

Anonimno kaže...

Čini mi se da ovaj post ima nekakve "intertekstualne" veze s prethodnim, o Ezri Poundu, a i s onim o "sintaksi arhitekture". Naime, upravo u priči o Linuxu sadržana je nekako ideja o kulturi koja nastaje po pravcu "bottom-up", a ne "top-down", a ta kultura je upravo infrastruktura, odnosno arhitektura na kojoj počiva ljudsko društvo. Zato je valjda Linux "kulturni" softver, a Microsoft "birokratski".
A Ezra Pound umro je baš u Veneciji!